Whorouly Cafe

Heart of Whorouly: Graham and Jennifer’s Journey from Pub to Café

Listen to the radio interview  

Whorouly locals Graham and Jennifer embarked on a journey that changed their lives and enriched their community. In 2010, Graham, a local plumber, and Jennifer, a journalist, combined their talents to breathe new life into the historic Whorouly Hotel. "We saw an opportunity to create something special," Jennifer recalls. Their venture was not just about running a pub; it was about fostering a place where community spirit thrived. 

They began by acquiring the Whorouly Hotel, and it came with the local post office, a sub-newsagency, and a small supply store. This busy hub quickly became a cornerstone of the community, offering everything from milk and beer to a friendly chat. The couple’s dedication saw them working long hours, often from dawn till late in the evening. Their passion for creating a welcoming environment kept them going. 



In 2016, an opportunity arose to move the post office and other non-pub services to a new location, this became the Whorouly Café. This move allowed Graham and Jennifer to introduce a relaxed setting with great coffee, homemade cakes, and café meals. "We wanted to offer a space where people could gather and feel at home," Graham explains. The café quickly became known for its exceptional coffee, light lunches, and the best egg-and-bacon rolls in Australia. 

What keeps them motivated? "It's the community," says Jennifer. The couple's dedication to Whorouly is evident in everything they do. The Whorouly Newsletter, started by Jennifer, keeps locals informed and connected. Funded by community donations, this monthly publication is evidence of the strong bonds within Whorouly. The name Whorouly, believed to be an Aboriginal word meaning underwater, has seen its share of natural disasters and personal challenges. Graham and Jennifer’s commitment to their community has never wavered. The pub and, more recently, the café have provided shelter, information, support, and stability. 

Post office in Whorouly


One story that highlights their kindness involves a local mother who couldn't pick up her child from school. Jennifer stepped in, picking up the child and looking after them at the pub until the mother arrived. "Little acts like these are important in a small community," Jennifer reflects. 

Graham and Jennifer see endless potential in their café. Ideas for evening functions, outdoor seating expansions, and Sunday brunches are just a few of the possibilities they dream of. "Whether we pursue these ideas or pass them on to future owners, we’re excited about what the future holds," Jennifer shares. For now, they relish the balance they’ve found, dedicating Sundays to relaxation and family time. 

Jennifer’s advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is simple: "Just keep plugging, adapting, overcoming, and eventually, you will get to where you want to go or, perhaps, somewhere even better!" Their journey from publicans to café owners demonstrates their resilience and determination. They encourage others to stay the course, face challenges head-on, and take pride in their progress, no matter how small. 
