Wangaratta Saleyards Standstill Exercise


This exercise will be run by Agriculture Victoria in conjunction with Wangaratta Saleyards to practice implementing the local plan for a Livestock Standstill. A LSS is a necessary measure imposed during an EAD outbreak, such as Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in Australia.

The objectives of the exercise are:

• Build awareness of LSS Saleyard roles and responsibilities
• Practice LSS procedures
• Test whether there is enough guidance and detail for LSS Saleyard roles and responsibilities.
• Test whether the physical resources (ie equipment etc) available are adequate to implement the Plan
• Develop areas of the Plan which are currently lacking detail

Morning tea and lunch will be provided.

Any questions please email


Wangaratta Saleyard
99 Shanley Street, Wangaratta South VIC 3678





  • Wednesday, 29 May 2024 | 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Wangaratta Livestock Exchange (Saleyards), 99 Shanley Street, Wangaratta South VIC 3678, Suburb 1, 3677, View Map